Please read and take action TODAY!!
Deadline for comments is tomorrow at 8 am!!
? Nebraska’s current law allows for babies to be surrendered only at hospitals if the infant is less than one month old. This legislation expands the available drop-off locations and increases the number of days babies can be surrendered to 90 days. The bill has already received broad bipartisan support and has 33 cosponsors.
? Submit comments here ?? https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_bill.php?DocumentID=54932&sm_guid=NzA0ODAyfDY0MDMyMzAxfC0xfGFmcmFzaWVyODUwNkB5YWhvby5jb218NjcxMzkzMXx8MHwwfDE5ODMzNDk4NHwxMDcwfDB8MHx8Njk4NTA3fDA1
A baby was saved in Indiana!
?? https://www.liveaction.org/news/infant-indiana-baby-box-17th-2023/?sm_guid=NzA0ODAyfDY0MDMyMzAxfC0xfGFmcmFzaWVyODUwNkB5YWhvby5jb218NjcxMzkyOXx8MHwwfDE5ODMzNTA3N3wxMDcwfDB8MHx8Njk4NTA3fDA1
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