All of the following resources are available to you for FREE. All you have to do is contact us to get as many resources as you may want/need.

- What to Say When (discussing abortion)
- The Trial of Kermit Gosnell
- Gianna, Aborted & Lived to Tell about It (the story of Gianna Jenssen, abortion survivor)

- Unplanned (we also have the BluRay)
- Roe v. Wade
- Gosnell
- October Baby
- Euthanasia Deception
- Created Equal
- Baby Olivia (3 minute video from Live Action)

Pink & Blue Baby Flag Display

Fetal Models
- Touch of Life Fetal Models – 12, 16, 22 & 26 weeks
- Touch of Life Fetal Models – 7, 8, 9 & 10 weeks
- Touch of Life Fetal Models, In the Womb – 10, 12, 14 & 16 weeks
- Hard Plastic Fetal Models – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7th Month of Pregnancy

Yard Signs
- God has a plan for us all … choose life!
- Stand with those who have no voice!

Educational Posters
- Monthly milestone posters

Photo of baby Samuel Armas reaching out of the womb to his doctor during fetal surgery in August 1999, taken by photographer Michael Clancy. There is also the April 2008 issue of the National Right to Life News featuring Michael Clancy’s photo.
Mobile Billboard / Parade Float
Pull behind your vehicle, double-sided trailer with billboard

- How a Baby Grows /Milestones
- About Planned Parenthood
- What Can I Do?
- Post-Abortion Resources
- Abortion & Procedures
- Contraception, Sexual Exposure, Birth Control, Breast Cancer
- Adoption, Wellspring Info (Testing & Pregnancy)
- Vote Pro-Life
- Assisted Suicide
- Bookmarks