Dear Pro-Life Friends,

We are urgently asking you to express your disapproval of a decision  by Lamar’s Outdoor Advertising. Recently, Nebraska Right to Life has been in contact with the company in regards to a misleading billboard posted around Omaha. They have been informed that the wording is deceitful, but have refused to take action, so we are looking to all Nebraska pro-life supporters. Please reach out and let them know that you want them to take a stand for the truth.

Express your disapproval of Lamar’s inaction, even though they now know the information is deliberately misleading. Thank you for making your voice heard!

Contact Dave Halpin at 402-734-6850

You can also send a letter to:

Lamar’s Outdoor Advertising

4849 G St. Omaha, NE 68117

This summer, a Washington D.C. abortion-rights advocate group, Free and Just, has placed billboards around the busiest areas in Omaha that say: “Women are going to jail under Nebraska’s abortion ban.” We know this is untrue and that this message is misleading.

The billboards are prompted by a case in Norfolk in which a then-teenager took the chemical abortion drug cocktail, illegally procured via mail by her mother. The teenager and her mother buried the 30 week gestation baby, dug up the remains twice, and even tried to burn the body. Not only was this barbaric to the child and lacking in human decency, but the handling of the body after death disregarded the law.

The teenager was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 2 years probation. NOT because she had an abortion, but because of removing and concealing human remains, and lying to law enforcement.

The baby’s grandmother has also been charged with removing and concealing human remains, as well as violating Nebraska’s abortion law by illegally acquiring chemical abortion drugs through the mail and dispensing them without a license to her daughter. She was also charged with lying to law enforcement. She will be sentenced on September 22 and could receive up to 5years in prison.

Nebraska Right to Life has contacted Lamar Outdoor Advertising requesting removal of the ambiguous messaging. The implication of the billboard wording is that women who have abortions will go to jail. In May this year, the Nebraska Preborn Child Protection Act was signed into law. It clearly states that a woman will not be prosecuted for having an abortion.

When we asked Dave Halpin, Lamar Sales Manager, why the company accepted the billboard containing deliberately deceitful information, his response was: “If we take it down, they’ll just put up something worse.” While he indicated he was uncomfortable with the message, he was unwilling to act on our concern.

Contact Dave Halpin now to express disapproval in their inaction to remove this messaging: 402-734-6850

Or write to:

Lamar’s Outdoor Advertising

4849 G St. Omaha, NE 68117



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