Dear Pro-Life Friends ———
You, your family & friends are invited to walk with the South Central Nebraska Right to Life float in the KOOL-AID DAYS PARADE on Saturday, August 10, 2019.
The Parade begins starts at 9 am, but we line up around 8:30 – 8:45 am, beginning at the 2nd and Colorado street intersection. If you call or text me at 785-643-5289, I will send you the exact location that morning of where we are waiting on the parade route so you can find us easily.
This is a FUN opportunity to show your support for LIFE! Bring the kids and decorate a wagon or stroller! The theme this year is “Jamaican Me Smile,” so wear a red shirt if you have one or decorate yourself with that theme in mind. We need people walking with us to hand out tootsie rolls to the crowd and carry signs. This is a pretty short time commitment … we will be done by 10 am at the latest.
Let me know if you have any questions!! If you walked with us in the Fairfest Parade in July (see attached photo), you know how fun it is!
– Amanda Frasier, President
South Central Nebraska Right to Life
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