Urge them to *support* LB814 to End Dismemberment Abortion. No living human being should be torn apart limb by limb.
Contact your state senator and tell them you support ending dismemberment abortion in Nebraska. A handwritten letter is powerful and carries more weight than an email, but please don’t let that dissuade you from emailing!
If your senator supports LB814, please thank them! If your senator doesn’t support LB814, please urge them to do so.
FIND YOUR SENATOR: https://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/senators/senator_find.php
#NeverDismember #NEIsProLife #NELeg
During an abortion procedure, if a baby is too large to remove in one piece, abortionists tear off the baby’s limbs and crush the head while the child is alive. This is known as a dismemberment abortion or D&E.
Dismemberment abortions are typically performed between 13 and 24 weeks of pregnancy when a baby is too large to remove as a whole. At this stage of development, a baby has a beating heart, fully developed arms and legs, and can swallow, yawn, hiccup, and smile.
Abortionists use a sopher clamp—a grasping instrument with rows of sharp “teeth”—to grasp and tear the limbs from the living child’s body. After removing pieces of the child’s skull, the abortionist uses a curette to scrape the uterus and remove the placenta and any remaining parts of the baby.
The abortionist then collects all of the baby’s parts and reassembles them to make sure that all of the pieces have been removed.
Since the baby is removed in pieces, there is an immediate risk of major complications for the mother with this procedure, including bleeding due to laceration or puncture of the woman’s uterus as well as infection from the baby not being fully removed.
Unborn babies are simply not puzzles to be pieced back together after an abortion, and they should not have to bleed to death by having their limbs torn apart.
State Senator Suzanne Geist is sponsoring LB 814 that prohibits dismembering a living unborn baby in Nebraska.
Nebraska Family Alliance is proud to support the end of dismemberment abortion.
LB 814 will not only stop the killing of innocent preborn children in a gruesome manner, but it will also help reduce the increased risk of mental and emotional distress to the mother from this type of procedure.
The State of Nebraska has a constitutionally valid interest in regulating brutal and inhumane procedures, protecting the health and safety of women, protecting the integrity of the medical profession, and promoting respect for the life of preborn babies. While the bill prohibits one especially gruesome method of abortion, it does not restrict women’s access to abortion in Nebraska.
There is no longer a debate about whether a preborn child is alive. The only debate remaining is whether that preborn child is a life worthy of protection.
The dismemberment of any living being is barbaric and inhumane. Nebraska can—and we must—do better for women and preborn children in our state.
PRINT COPIES OF THE END DISMEMBERMENT ABORTION FACT SHEET: https://nebraskafamilyalliance.org//www/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Dismemberment-One-Pager.pdf
LINK TO VIDEOS & MORE INFO ABOUT LB814: https://nebraskafamilyalliance.org/end-dismemberment-abortion/?fbclid=IwAR0CZs5C795fw59TAlMpKy9BzdHZf_YfxqZN_7d-d2Egi8CYlEryVsok8kA
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