There are a few different ways you can get involved with our organization. 

Monthly Meetings

Our South Central Nebraska Right to Life group meets the 4th Monday of each month* at 5:15 P.M. at Peace Lutheran Church (906 N California, Hastings).

During our meetings, we plan our upcoming events, keep up to date on legislation & discuss future projects. Please join us! Our meetings are open to the public and we welcome new members!

*Note: We do not meet during the months of June & July (for the summer) & December (due to the holiday season).

south central nebraska right to life stands at the life chain in hastings ne


South Central Nebraska Right to Life relies 100% on volunteers to coordinate and attend our events and fundraisers, attend our monthly meetings, and staff our board. No one in our organization takes a salary or payment. We are always looking for new faces to join us as we work towards educating the community about pro-life issues. If you are great at thinking outside the box, marketing, education, networking or just simply doing, there is a spot in our group for you!

Please reach out to us. You volunteering with us CAN make a difference! If you would like to receive emails on all of our upcoming activities so that you can sign up to volunteer, go to our Contact Us page on the website and fill out the form with your information.

“Let no one be discouraged by the belief that there is nothing one person can do against the enormous array of the world’s ills, misery, ignorance, and violence. Few will have the greatness to bend history, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. And in the total of all those acts will be written the history of a generation.” – Robert F. Kennedy

south central nebraska right to life flag display available for use

Follow Us On Social Media

If you are passionate about furthering our mission of restoring legal protection to innocent and vulnerable human life from fertilization through natural death, we invite you to stay informed on social media! Like and Share our posts to increase our online visibility.

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When you sign up below, you’ll stay informed on all the latest pro-life updates! We send emails about volunteer opportunities, upcoming events & pending legislation, as well as our quarterly newsletter.