Mark your calendars for the following Parades this summer that South Central Nebraska Right to Life will be in!

Kool-Aid Days Parade – August 2019

We need people to walk with our float.  Bring your family and invite your friends!  We will provide signs to hold.  There will be people who need to distribute candy during each parade as they walk with the float.   If you can spare an hour of your Saturday morning, we can make a good representation of the Pro-Life community in and around Hastings.  

We will send out reminders the week prior to the parade to keep things on your mind.  🙂  Also, we will be posting these events on Social Media, so stay tuned to that for more info.  Make sure you LIKE our Facebook page for more info.

Saturday July 9th – Fairfest Parade to kick off the Adams Co. Fair

  – Step off at 10 AM … be there 9:45 AM

  – Location:  Downtown Hastings (near Hastings & Denver Ave) … more detailed meet-up to come

Saturday, August 20th – Kool-Aid Days Parade

  – Step off at 10 AM … be there 9:45 AM

  – Location:  Downtown Hastings, City Parking Lot at 3rd & Hastings

  – Theme this year:  Mangonificent

Fairfest Parade – July 2019

Last year, we did the Juniata Days Parade since there was no fair parade.  This year, Juniata Days is on the same day at the Fair Parade, so we will go to the Fair Parade instead.

Call or text Amanda Frasier the day of the parades for more up-to-date location info or other details you have questions on:  785-643-5289.