LB 626, the Nebraska Heartbeat Act, has officially been placed on the legislative agenda and will be voted on soon. Here’s an update on everything you need to know and how you can take action.

The bill is scheduled to be debated this Wednesday, April 12th, with a vote expected later that evening. Pro-abortion senators have promised to filibuster the bill, meaning we need 33 votes to end debate and allow the bill to advance. If the bill advances, it will still need to overcome two more rounds of debate.

Last month, Senator Riepe unexpectedly introduced an amendment that rewrites the bill to only protect life at 12 weeks gestation, removing protections for 1,700 preborn babies every year. His amendment—which is threatening to undermine the bill if 24 other senators support it—won’t be considered until the second round of debate.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to Senator Riepe and asked him to withdraw his amendment. Senator Riepe’s office heard a resounding message from pro-life Nebraskans, and in response, he has expressed willingness to support the bill without his amendment. Please continue to pray that he will support the bill as written.

We believe LB 626 has a path forward, but we need your help and support.