Nebraska Walk for Life – 1.26.19
Walk with us! Participate in Nebraska’s largest Pro-Life Event! Stand up for the unborn!
Monthly Meeting 1.14.19 *Please come!*
JOIN US! ALL ARE WELCOME! Our next Monthly Meeting for the South Central Nebraska Right to Life Chapter is on Monday, January 14th, 2019 at 7 pm. We meet at Peace Lutheran Church (906 N. California in Hastings). Our meetings are usually a little [...]
March For Life, Washington DC – 1.18.19
If you can travel to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life this January, you will be inspired at the thousands of people showing their support for LIFE! This year's march is on Friday, January 18, 2019. More info can be found here: They [...]
How to buy tickets for GOSNELL movie:
>>> Want to buy tickets for the GOSNELL MOVIE online? <<< USE THIS LINK:…/…/Rivoli-3-Showtimes… Scroll down and underneath "Balcony Night", you'll see a selection of dates. Select the date you want to see the movie (either December 5th or December 6th). Then, scroll down to [...]
Holy Hour for Life 12.2.18
—————————————————————— ANNUAL HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE You are cordially invited to the Annual Holy Hour for Life at St. Michael’s Catholic Church on Sunday, December 2, 2018, from 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. The Holy Hour, with [...]
The GOSNELL movie is coming to Hastings!
This movie is coming to Hastings for 2 days only (Dec 5th & 6th). Spread the word!!
SCNRTL Newsletters
![contact baby smelling a red rose](