There will be no special session of the Legislature for a Pro-Life Vote of LB933 – the Human Life Protection Act!

Speaker Mike Hilgers delivered a letter to Governor Pete Ricketts today indicating there are 30 senators committed to passing greater protective measures for women and their children in a special session.

?? Unfortunately, it falls short of the 33 votes needed, therefore the Governor has announced he will not schedule a special session to deal with the issue of abortion. ??

Nebraska Right to Life stands by the decision of Governor Pete Ricketts to take up the issue of abortion and the protection of women and their children in the upcoming January 2023 Unicameral session.

Nebraska pro-lifers are disappointed in Senator John Stinner (Dist. #48) and Senator Robert Hilkemann (Dist #4) who voted in favor of LB933 during the 2022 Legislative Session, a bill which would have banned abortion in Nebraska and have now indicated they will not maintain their pro-life commitment to more restrictive measures on abortion during a special session.

We believe that a stand for the protection of life should be unequivocal – not something to be negotiated for political reasons.

U.S. abortion policy is far more permissive even than the policies of most European countries. Thirty-nine of the forty-two European countries that allow elective abortion permit it only in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
• Only seven countries, including China and North Korea, permit elective abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

?? Science continues to show us the amazing progress of fetal development.
• By 21 days a baby’s heart begins to beat and the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are laid.
• By 8 weeks, she has every organ present.
• At 10 weeks fingernails begin to develop and by 12 weeks she can swallow and make facial expressions, and even smile.
• 85% of abortions in Nebraska are performed within these first 12 weeks.

The abortion industry does not recognize protection for a child at this stage [12 weeks] and even beyond, supporting full-term, taxpayer-funded abortion on demand with no parental involvement, which flies in the face of the values of Nebraskans.

? Action Needed: ?

  1. Contact your Senator (find your senator ?? https://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/senators/senator_list.php). If they signed the list, thank them for their commitment to life. If they did not, encourage them to consider protecting Nebraska women and their children, rather than supporting the harmful act of abortion.
  2. Thank Governor Ricketts for his pro-life leadership (Pete.Ricketts@Nebraska.gov) and Senator Mike Hilgers (mhilgers@leg.ne.gov) for working with senators on LB933 this past session and doing the work of contacting each senator, asking for their support to protect innocent human life in our state.
  3. Share the Nebraska Right to Life Political Action Committee Voter Guide to support pro-life candidates in the upcoming November election. We will now look toward 2023 Legislative Session where we will again take up the fight for life.