South Central Nebraska Right to Life and Nebraska Right to Life applaud the U.S Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark judgment that has allowed for abortion-on-demand for almost 50 years in our country. With this decision, states will be allowed to take up the issue of abortion with their elected representatives and state legislatures.

This pro-life victory is the result of years of work by the pro-life movement in the legislature, educational and political areas. That work can and will continue. “The Unicameral will now be charged with taking up the issue of abortion to determine what protection they are willing to provide to Nebraska women and their children,” Executive Director, Sandy Danek said.

Nebraska has passed several protective pro-life laws in the last few decades, from Parental Consent to banning abortion at 20 weeks with the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. “We must continue to work vigorously to elect pro-life representatives in the State Legislature to pass laws to protect mothers and their pre-born children,” said Danek.

Governor Pete Ricketts has committed to a Special Session of the Legislature to determine the response to the Roe v. Wade reversal. LB933, a trigger ban that would have banned abortion in the state of Nebraska failed by just two votes this past Legislative session. A special session will allow the issue to be considered once again. “Elections matter,” said Danek. “Nebraska is a pro-life state and our elected officials should reflect Nebraskans commitment to protecting all innocent life.”

“Ultimately, this is an opportunity to offer life-affirming options and resources to women in an unplanned pregnancy,” Danek noted. There are more than 25 donor-driven pregnancy help centers in the state offering support and resources to women in need of assistance.”