We had a fantastic turnout for the RESPECT LIFE Banquet and Fundraiser that was held on Sunday, March 18, 2018! Over 110 people signed up to attend and were present at the C3 Hotel & Convention Center for speaker Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) was established in July of 1999 and has spent the last nineteen years resisting the legalization of medical assistance in dying, promoting hospice and palliative care, and advocating for the vulnerable in our society. The EPC has produced several videos, Turning the Tide (euthanasia & assisted suicide), Euthanasia Deception (personal stories of people with experience with euthanasia and assisted suicide) and is working on a new film titled Fatal Flaws (giving facts on both sides of the euthanasia and assisted suicide debate).
In addition to our speaker, we had a silent auction, a video presentation of the Nebraska Walk for Life in Lincoln this past January, and a short talk by our state senator, Steve Halloran. There were 8 businesses or individuals who sponsored tables for the event, which included Wanda Zion Fellowship, Hastings Radiology Associates, Pinnacle Bank, Consbruck Farms, Hart Floors, Inc, Poppe Enterprises, Greg & Caroline Epp, and State Farm – Judy Barnes. Our meal was catered by Bullseye’s Sports Bar & Grille tasted amazing!
Enjoy this photo slideshow from the event and be looking for announcements for our banquet in March of next year! Thank you to all those who came and supported this event in any way!!
- All set up for the banquet!
- Our sign in table
- Lots of Pro-Life Supporters signing in!
- Everyone is here! Social Hour!
- Dave Hart & Joan Primrose talking with Alex Schadenberg
- Alex Schadenberg presenting a preview of THE EUTHANASIA DECEPTION
- Alex Schadenberg answering questions
- Our tables, set and ready to go!
- The beautiful centerpieces!
- Alex Schadenberg’s informational table
- Items for our Silent Auction
- A beautiful Nativity
- A 66 pc Tool Set
- A diaper bag
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