? Learn about Protecting and Respecting Life at
Vacation Bible School! ???

Our VBS is for children ages 3 through entering 7th grade in the fall.

? Date: June 27-July 1, 2022, Monday thru Friday, Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
• Check-in the first night begins at 5:40 p.m.
• Opening begins promptly at 6 p.m. Parents are welcome to stay for the opening. Your children may bring a friend.

?? Pre-Register ??
• E-mail peacevbs906@gmail.com
• Print and return a registration form at www.peacelutheranhastings.org
• Call church office at 402-462-9023. Include your child’s first and last name, age/birthdate, grade entering in the fall, parent’s name and address, cell phone number.

Pre-registration helps us ensure enough lesson materials and prepare enough
craft project supplies.

?? Place: Peace Lutheran Church, LCMS
906 N. California Ave., Hastings, NE
Phone: 402-462-9023, Rev. Micah Gaunt, Pastor

? Activities: Through Bible stories, music, crafts, science experiments, games and recreation, students and teachers will explore the wonder and value of life, from the lives of preborn babies to eternal life in the kingdom of God. Kids will discover that life is valuable.

? No charge to attend.