If you missed attending our Pro-Life & Pie event on April 28th with our featured speaker Dr. John Bruchalski, M.D., you’re in luck!   We have recorded the event and you can view it from the comfort of your own home.  

Please share this with your family and friends!  I promise, you won’t regret taking the time to listen to Dr. Bruchalski’s story.  It will change your life!


Click THIS LINK to watch the ENTIRE Pro-Life & Pie Event!


Click THIS LINK to watch Dr. Bruchalski’s Speech ONLY!





At our Pro-Life & Pie event, Sandy Danek, Executive Director of Nebraska Right to Life, explained the Pro-Abortion vs Pro-Life ballot initiative petitions that are circulating in Nebraska.

Listen to her talk about each of the ballot initiative petitions, as well as the short Q & A session with that.

Click THIS LINK to watch the Ballot Initiative Info ONLY