How can you Protect Women & Children in Nebraska?

Please JOIN US on Monday, June 3rd, at 7 pm at the YWCA in Hastings for an ENTIRE NIGHT of pro-life information!

Beginning with a short Constitution Moment by Stephanie Shade, you’ll then have the opportunity to learn about TWO pro-life ballot initiatives gathering signatures.  You’ll have the opportunity to sign BOTH petitions!   Learn more about the Pro-Abortion vs. Pro-Life Ballot Initiatives in Nebraska HERE.

We need your help to get enough signatures collected so that Nebraskans can vote for LIFE on the ballot in November.  Nebraska will be the 8th state in the U.S. to have the pro-abortion lobby work to get abortion enshrined in the state’s constitution.  All 7 states failed to prevent this from happening, and consequently, the right to an abortion is now in their state constitution, making it extremely hard to remove in the future.

This is an opportunity for YOU to make a difference and prevent abortion until birth from becoming a part of Nebraska’s constitution.  It’s as simple as your signature!

Please join us!

Many thanks to the Adams County Republicans for hosting us that evening!